The Retail Project & The Rhode Island Innovation Fellowship

Posted on Aug 12, 2012 In The Retail Project

The Retail Project is thrilled to be one of the first recipients of the Rhode Island Innovation Fellowship. The fellowship, introduced last year by the Rhode Island Foundation, encourages creative Rhode Islanders to think big, take risks, and, in the words of the Foundation, “stimulate solutions by Rhode Islanders to Rhode Island challenges.”

Founder Soren Ryherd proposed the Retail Project as a profitable online business that also builds jobs and neighborhoods in a troubled economy. Ryherd observed that retail businesses in his neighborhood often fail because the local market is not large or stable enough to support them. The Retail Project will use the Innovation Fellowship funding to launch e-commerce stores that only become brick and mortar storefronts once they are profitable online. With The Rhode Island Foundation’s support, we are excited to start building brands, jobs, and an economic engine for state!

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